Neuroscience Research Notes
ISSN: 2576-828X
You may download the special issue / section proposal template and submit a completed proposal to any of the Editor-in-Chiefs via this EMAIL.
Terms and Conditions for Special Issue
- Each special issue editor is only allowed to submit 1 article as corresponding author.
- Special issue editorial team must be expert in the field proposed under the special issue title and must have demonstrated good publication track records in the propose field.
- It is recommended to have special issue editorial team with members from different country.
- All manuscript submission, peer-reviewing, editorial policy and technical requirements must follow the guidelines ( and terms of service ( adopted by Neuroscience Research Notes.
- While Neuroscience Research Notes will publicize the special issue via all its official social networks online, the members of the special issue editorial team are strongly recommended to do the same through their professional networks in the field to achieve the minimum article published per issue stated in the table above.
- The artwork of the electronic-cover for the special issue will be based on the regular issue designed for the year.
Terms and Conditions for Special Section
- A Special Section is a collection of articles of the same topic that are published across 3-4 regular issue under a special section heading dedicated for the theme.
- Each special section editor is only allowed to submit 1 article as corresponding author per regular issue under the special section.
- All the other terms and conditions for special section are identical to points 3-6 for the Special Issues.
Special Section Editors
- Battuvshin Lkhagvasuren, MD, PhD | Brain Science Institute, Graduate School, Mongolian National University of Medical Sciences (MNUMS), MONGOLIA
- Jambaldorj Jamiyansuren, MD, PhD | Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics, School of Biomedicine, Mongolian National University of Medical Sciences, MONGOLIA
Tetsuya Hiramoto, MD, PhD | Department of Psychosomatic Medicine, Fukuoka National Hospital, National Hospital Organization, JAPAN
For Dec 2022 issue – submit before 30 Sept 2022
For Mac 2023 issue – submit before 31 Dec 2022
For June 2023 issue – submit before 31 Mac 2023
Last publication on: 30 June 2023
Special Section is published across 3 regular issues under a special section heading.
Globally, the prevalence of psychiatric and neurological disorders increased by almost 40% in the past three decades and are among the leading causes of disability. Moreover, if we consider the abrupt surge in musculoskeletal disorders and brain tumours in the meantime, these facts raise particular interest in the epidemiology of psychiatric and neurological disorders. The causes and consequences might be associated with extended life expectancy, quality of life improvement, health care achievements worldwide, or vice versa. Evidence-based practice is mandatory to promote public mental health. Therefore, we have to focus on epidemiological studies that identify risk factors, distribution, and determinants of neuropsychiatric and neurological conditions to bring new insights, novel treatments, and future directions in the field.
Special Issue Editors
- Battuvshin Lkhagvasuren, MD, PhD | Brain Science Institute, Graduate School, Mongolian National University of Medical Sciences (MNUMS), MONGOLIA
- Jambaldorj Jamiyansuren, MD, PhD | Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics, School of Biomedicine, Mongolian National University of Medical Sciences, MONGOLIA
Submission: 15 June 2021 – 15 August 2021
Review, Revision, Acceptance: Before 30 September 2021
To be published on: 30 September 2021
The Special Issue aims to publish recent findings of studies on brain-related disorders. The variety of those techniques may extend from simple methods such as blood tests and neurophysiological examinations to more advanced innovative methods such as functional MRI and non-invasive brain stimulation techniques. Examples include validated self-report instruments for disease screening and heart rate variability for testing autonomic nervous functions.
Special Issue Editors
- Wael MY Mohamed, MD PhD | International Islamic University Malaysia, MALAYSIA | Menoufia University, EGYPT
- Mohammad Amjad Kamal, PhD, FRACI C Chem, JP | King Abdulaziz University, SAUDI ARABIA | Novel Global Community Educational Foundation, AUSTRALIA
- Indranath Chatterjee, PhD | Tongmyong University, SOUTH KOREA
Submission: 25 August 2020 – 31 July 2021
Review, Revision, Acceptance: Before 30 September 2021
Neuroscience is an exciting area in which, at a fast rate, revolutionary advances materialize. The emergence of neuro-technologies is interdisciplinary. It supports the amalgamation of neurobiology and atomic, nano- and micro-sciences as a fascinating path to significant developments in the neuroscience study. It poses a scientific foundation for potential therapeutic strategies.
Special Issue Editors
- Mohd. Farooq Shaikh | Monash University Malaysia, MALAYSIA
- Christos Panagiotis Lisgaras | Albert Einstein College of Medicine, USA
- Kheng Seang Lim | University of Malaya, MALAYSIA
Submission: 28 July 2018 – 31 October 2018
Review, Revision, Acceptance: Before 31 December 2018
Epilepsy is a chronic neurological disorder which affects people of all ages. Approximately 70 million people globally are suffering from epilepsy. Nearly 80% of the epileptic population live in low- and middle-income countries. The quality of life is greatly affected by comorbid conditions of epilepsy which include neurological, neurobehavioral and neuropsychiatric disorder.
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