Neuroscience Research Notes
ISSN: 2576-828X
Neuroscience Research Notes considers short papers containing single or more experiments, negative findings, systematic-reviews, mini-reviews or hypothetical manuscripts, news and views for publication. All manuscripts will be peer-reviewed. Articles in the following specialised neuroscience-related fields, but not limited to:
- neurodegeneration, neuroregeneration & neuroinflammation
- neuropharmacology & toxicology
- neurotherapy, natural and synthetic products research
- fundamental, developmental and behavioural neurobiology
- neurogenetics, neuroinformatics & computational neurosciences
- neuropsychiatry, neuropsychology & cognitive neurosciences
- neurology, neurosurgery & clinical neurosciences
- rehabilitation and sport neurosciences
- social neurosciences (neuromarketing, neurolinguistics, neuroeconomic, neuroeducation)
involving in vitro, in vivo or animal models and psychosocial experiments on applied as well as fundamental mechanisms, biology and disorders related to the nervous system will be considered.
The following types of articles will be considered:
- Mini-Review – concise narrative review of current or updated knowledge or advancements in the related fields.
- Systematic Review – a summary of literature related to the neuroscience field that involves reproducible methods to systematically search, critically appraise, and synthesize a specific topic based on strategies that reduce biases and errors.
- Research Notes / Technical Notes – short and concise original research including technical report or single or more experiments leading to convincing observations to prove a hypothesis. This type of article must have a clear objective of the study, a concise discussion, and a clear conclusion. Studies reporting negative findings also fall within this category.
- Case Notes – short and concise description of a unique, unusual, or novel occurrence of a clinical case or presentation.
- Data Notes – a short and concise description of a research dataset or resources that highlight the origin and relevance of the dataset or resources to facilitate research reproducibility.
- Hypothetical Notes – hypothetical paper involves a critical interpretation of current literature leading to a profound but untested hypothesis.
- Views – articles featuring a review, commentary, or an opinion on a currently published paper or book.
- News – articles featuring a report on local or international neuroscience-related outreach or scientific programmes, obituaries of prominent neuroscientists as well as individual success stories.
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